
Do you believe in reincarnation? If yes, do you remember who are you in your past life? Here is someone who remembers his past life. Miraculous!!! Watch the clip👇🏼and tell me in comments what you think about your past life.


Funee Cat You tube Channel.
Thanks for the screen shot from the clip of the video of Funee Cat.

5 replies to “Miraculous

    1. Wonderful!! I do believe in past lives and karma. And some dogs are so much superior to humans, I would not rule it out though I was taught we advance to higher forms or have to relive human lives to get to Moksha. But there are so many wonderful dogs… I would not be surprised if they are reincarnated humans.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I respect your views and beliefs. Everything has some basis. We do believe in Moksha. So whatever you say, may not be misplaced. Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

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